Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.” So, when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.”

Exodus 3:3-4 New King James Version


The story of Moses and the burning bush teaches us an important lesson about how we can have a personal encounter with God. The text suggests that Moses walked on by the burning bush because he wasn't aware of God's presence. It was only when he decided to turn aside to look at the burning bush that God revealed Himself.

The Hebrew word for "turn or turned aside" is cuwr (Strong's H5493) which describes the importance of encountering God in our daily lives. When we are eager to engage God and grow in our relationship with Him, we will discover that God is much larger than we can imagine. There is no limit to discovering and developing a passion for God. And God has many new experiences in store for us because He wants to expand and enlarge our understanding of Him.

If you yearn for an authentic and transformative faith, don’t create any boundaries when it comes to hearing and obeying God. If we limit God, then we will be afraid of intimacy with God because we don’t know His heart towards us. And that makes it difficult for us to fully surrender our hearts to God.

If you isolate your heart from God, you will never feel safe or secure because you have not fully grasped the reality of God’s perfect love. Such a heart will become restless, and it will open the floodgates to unsettled doubt, fear and unbelief.

God made it possible for you to see His glory through Christ.

Turn your eyes and your heart toward God because God desires a close and personal relationship with you. As you enjoy God’s friendship and rest on His covenant promises, you will experience His ever-increasing glory, grace and goodness, even in difficult times. After all, God offers us something far greater than what Moses ever had. While Moses saw a burning bush, we carry the transforming presence and power of the living Christ in us. Go forth and shine brightly for God.