Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.

Matthew 2:16 (ESV)

Herod was aware of the prophecy about the coming king and the reason for the wise men's visit. Unlike the wise men, Herod sought to kill Jesus rather than worship him. This resulted in a horrific massacre of young children.

You may ask, "How come God allowed it to happen?"

In describing the cowardly atrocity, Matthew cited the Prophet Jeremiah: The Lord proclaims: A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and wailing. It's Rachel crying for her children, she refuses to be consoled because her children are no more. (Jeremiah 31:15, CEV)

On the surface, there does not appear to be a message of hope, but if we read the entire prophecy found in Jeremiah 31, we discover a priceless promise: The LORD proclaims: Keep your voice from crying and your eyes from weeping, because your endurance will be rewarded, declares the LORD. They will return from the land of their enemy! There’s hope for your future, declares the LORD. Your children will return home! (Jeremiah 31:16-17, CEV)

Rachel represents bereaved mothers who are mourning the loss of their children. Even as she sobs, God consoles her with a resurrection promise that He will reverse her loss. God gave the prophecy to provide us with comfort and peace as we wait for Him to fulfil His Word.’

I want to say something to the "weeping Rachels" who may, literally or metaphorically, lose their children at some point and have no idea where they are or if they are safe. Even as you mourn, mourn with hope and faith. Have faith in God that your children will return to you. Remember that they are not only yours but also God's. Whatever it is, God knows how to restore them. Keep believing between now and then. Continue to pray and believe.

The Enemy may seek to kill and destroy. Jesus, on the other hand, came to give life and life to the fullest. In other words, God, not our circumstances, has the final say about our future. And God's Word will not return to Him unless it accomplishes what He desires.

The loss of a loved one, especially a child, can be heartbreaking and inconsolable. But you can rely on God to skilfully weave hope amid the pain, a future despite the injustice, and a way where there appears to be none.