The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)


As Israel prepared to enter the Promised Land, Moses reassured them that God would never leave them or forsake them. In the same way, even when we are anxious or fearful about the future, we may lean on God to be faithful and trustworthy to keep His promises.

Behind every promise of God lies His providence and provision.

God will never make a promise to us that He will not keep. Even though God doesn't always answer our prayers in the manner we would like or take steps to make our lives more comfortable and easier, we may still have confidence that God has something far better in store for us than we could ever imagine.

It is all right to be fearful, but you shouldn't let it paralyse or govern you. While fear helps you recognise that you have no control over your circumstances, faith underlines the assurance of God’s promises to turn things around. When the children of Israel put their trust in God, they saw the gigantic grapes growing everywhere instead of the giants that were prowling the land.

We are not intimidated by life's difficulties and uncertainties when we are intimate with God's word. The sufferings we endure today will be the stories of God’s faithfulness we share tomorrow. Instead of passive resignation and hopelessness, let your life reflects your faith in God and His promises. Then you will find the grace and strength to step out without fear, knowing that our Father is always with you.

The best way to grow a fear-conquering faith in Christ is by cultivating your personal relationship with God through His Word and allowing Holy Spirit to grow you in wisdom and revelation. In addition to becoming familiar with the Bible, it is helpful to compile a list of scripture verses that genuinely resonate with you. Meditate on them and pray for understanding and insight. Then you realise the incredible goodness and love of God at every turn of your life.