Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2 (ESV)


Worldly wisdom can appear deceptively persuasive, but it is still false and must not be followed. Instead of being badly influenced by worldly standards and values, our conduct and thought life should be transformed through the renewal of our minds. The Greek word for “renewal” is anakainōsis, which refers to a refreshing newness of thought and action that comes through the revelation of the gospel. This is the work of the Holy Spirt.

As you reflect on the truth of who you are and have in Christ, the Holy Spirit renews your mind by removing any old attitudes and imaginings that impede your spiritual growth and well-being. This culminates in a profound inner transformation that enables you to understand God's perfect will and thrive in both faithfulness and fruitlessness.

When you live according to God's word, you can walk in His will without compromise. You can test and confirm God’s will since His word never fails. It means taking steps of faith as we learn to always obey God's word and the Holy Spirit's guidance. We are often hesitant to take risks because we lack confidence or are afraid of failing and disappointing ourselves. This kind of fear comes from the world. It is a spirit of timidity that is not given or inspired by God. What we need to know is that God is present with us. His Spirit will not lead us astray or do anything against His nature.

Whenever you are afraid and alone, do not feel condemned because the Holy Spirit has been given to us to help us follow and obey God's will even in our weakness (Romans 8:26). Simply pray for boldness and courage and walk each step with God. If we are prepared to trust God when we are weak, imagine who we will become and what we will achieve when He strengthens us in Him.