"Here I am! Send me.",

Isaiah 6:9 (NKJV)

We do not worship in order to get closer to God. We worship because we are already close to God in Christ. Worship is the outcome of an authentic and real relationship with God. As a result, true worship is unconstrained by physical location or musical style. It rests on a deep desire to exalt God and magnify His name.

This transformation not only changes us but also changes the way we relate to and interact with those around us. In other words, God is blessed not only by our worship but others are blessed because we worship God.

Isn't it amazing how our worship can transform nations and cities?

The Bible describes Daniel as a powerful man of prayer, and God gave him the ability to interpret dreams and visions. It was Daniel's power that drew the attention of Babylon's ruler, and as a result, he rose to a position of prominence in the kingdom.

Worship and mission go together.

Worship becomes self-aggrandizing if it does not open our eyes to see clearly God's heart for people. Worship starts and ends with God. When the Prophet Isaiah worshipped God, he experienced such a glorious vision of God's glory that he offered himself to God for service. He offered himself to God, "Here I am! Send me." (Isaiah 6:9)

The impact of true worship moves us from the worship of self toward the worship of God; from being a consumer to becoming a contributor of righteousness, in both public and private spheres of life. Hence, we are not worshipping God only when we are in church but at all moments of our lives.

Worship becomes a continuous experience of God's grace in and through our lives when we are constantly in awe of the amazing mystery of the gospel and the splendour of our Lord Jesus Christ.